Yash IVF

Why Are Sonography Scans Done During Pregnancy?

Yash IVF Best Infertility clinic in Pune

There are few things when trying to conceive which can be more exciting. The development of angels within which can be seen with ultrasound or scans is an amazing feeling. From the doctor’s view, every scan is a milestone of the development of the child within. The important 9 months stay within the womb has to be the best as every child is born only once.

Let’s welcome you all to the world of scans where sound waves create the image of the baby in the womb. A happy event for every couple and an excellent progress card for the gynaecologist and obstetrician!

What is an ultrasound scan?

An ultrasound is a procedure that creates images of the baby while in the womb, with the help of sound waves. During the scan, the gel is applied to the tummy and a probe called a transducer is placed over it.  Sound waves are then sent from the probe to the baby which creates echoes that are converted into images by computer. You can see these images on a monitor.

In some situations, a transvaginal ultrasound is done for better pictures of a baby in the womb. With due consent from the patients, the probe is inserted through the vagina and the baby’s pictures will be created.

Why and what is an ultrasound scan?

Ultrasound is a safe, affordable test to get information about ongoing pregnancy and unborn babies so corrective action can be taken well in time. Some important points ultrasound does is,

To confirm your pregnancy is progressing well along with the heartbeat of the baby

To check for multiple pregnancies

To confirm the baby’s gestational age and due date

To check your baby’s organ development in the womb

To confirm the baby’s position in the uterus

To check the length of your cervix. Cervical length is a predictor of timing and mode of delivery

To check the location and status of your placenta

In pregnancy, which scans are often done?

Several types of scans are offered during pregnancy. Some of them are,

Dating scan: often done in 1st trimester. This scan confirms the viable pregnancy and can estimate the baby/ babies due date along with the location of the baby (ectopic pregnancy or growing out of the uterus).

A nuchal translucency scan:  also known as a 12-week scan, is done at 12 weeks of pregnancy. The word nuchal translucency

The nuchal translucency scan (also called a ‘12 week scan’) is preferably done at 12 weeks of ongoing pregnancy. It measures the nuchal thickness. The term nuchal fold thickness is an area of tissue at the back of an unborn baby’s neck. Measuring this thickness can helps in assessing the risk for Down syndrome and other genetic and chromosomal problems in the baby. This scan also checks the baby’s growth and development.

Radiologists use abdominal ultrasound (not vaginal) to get an accurate measure of the nuchal fold. All unborn babies have some fluid at the back of their neck whereas, babies with Down syndrome or other genetic disorders, have more fluid than normal at the back of their neck and the space appears thicker. This is done along with the mother’s blood tests. This scan too tracks the progress of the unborn child.

Morphology scan or fetal anomaly scan:

A morphology scan is done between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. It specifically looks at the structure and growth of the body organs of a baby in the womb, their gestational age and size. A fetal anomaly scan also looks into the baby’s heart rate and rhythm and the placenta is not near or over the cervix. Along with the length of the cervix.

HSG sonography: HSG or hysterosalpingogram is done to find out the status and health of the fallopian tubes which is an important part of the reproductive organ.

Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram (SHG): This is a procedure to find out the structure of the uterine cavity.

Pelvic scan: Pelvic ultrasound scan allows a deep look at the female pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries. It is recommended for women with suspected fibroids ovarian cysts, endometriosis or any other uterine abnormalities.

Ovarian reserve scan: This is done to count the number of follicles in the ovaries which is important for knowing the fertility potential of women.

Morning scans: These are called Treatment response assessment scans. These are important for women undergoing either ART/IVF/freezing treatment and to track the progress or changes happening in the uterus in response to the medications.

Follicle tracking scans: This scan Follicle tracking is done for knowing the time of ovulation, the number and size of your follicles are determined at each scan along with the endometrial thickness.

Can an ultrasound scan hurt a baby in the womb?

Ultrasound is a very safe and pain-free test, and there is no harm to your baby as the sound waves used are of low frequency and cause no known damage to the baby as well as the expecting mother.

Nevertheless, these scans offer a deep view of the development of a baby, it is worthwhile to have these scans. Every image seen on the monitor is a real challenge for the doctor and a way to be happy for patients when things go well during these precious months.

We at Pearl women’s hospital & Yash IVF have successfully treated many such patients. As hospital operates as a single umbrella for all scans, diagnostic tests along with treatments. The availability of such services under one roof made us opt for the most rational treatment which saves cost and time with the help of Ultrasounds, we could ensure safe deliveries and corrective measures to reduce the impact of abnormalities. Ultrasound is a safe, reliable, cost-effective, and easily available imaging tool to assess the anatomy and morphology of the female reproductive organs.

We at Yash IVF, ensure the timing of ultrasound, which is typically precise to the patient’s menstrual cycle. Therefore, scheduling patients for ultrasounds is essential to an infertility evaluation. We have a team of healthcare who can prioritize the patient’s needs, and provide education and support while directing their journey to a successful pregnancy.


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