Yash IVF
Yash IVF Best Infertility clinic in Pune.

We are highly grateful to the ever-changing face of IVF and ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques like ICSI, IMSI, Egg freezing etc.) a field that creates lives. One such procedure is In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IVF, as it is routinely called, is a technique that offered a ray of hope for every couple to be parents. Eggs & sperms are the most basic elements needed

As we all know, human reproduction is a highly regulated process and the involvement of many body systems makes it further complicated. That is why, having good health does not mean, having excellent reproductive health.

For human reproduction, we require egg-cellent quality eggs and hunting sperm that are properly directed. That is the reason, there are millions of sperm for fewer eggs. For approximately 40% of infertile couples, the leading cause of male infertility is, sperm number, motility & structure related.

Sperm is the male reproductive cell responsible for fertilizing the female egg. It is produced in the testes and travels through the epididymis, vas deferens, and urethra during ejaculation. Sperm cells are extremely small, measuring only 0.05 millimeters in length, and have a tail that propels them towards the egg. The production of sperm is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary glands in the brain, which release hormones that stimulate the testes to produce testosterone and sperm.

The quality of sperm is crucial for successful fertilization and pregnancy. A man’s sperm count, motility, and morphology are the key factors that determine the quality of sperm. Sperm count refers to the number of sperm in a given sample, and a healthy count is considered to be between 15 million to 200 million sperm per ml. Motility refers to the movement of sperm, and a healthy sperm should be able to swim forward in a straight line. Morphology refers to the size and shape of sperm, and healthy sperm should have an oval head and a long, straight tail.

Infertility caused by sperm-related factors can be diagnosed through a semen analysis, which involves examining a man’s semen sample in a laboratory. A semen analysis assesses sperm count, motility, morphology, and other parameters such as pH, volume, and viscosity. If a man’s semen analysis shows abnormal parameters, further tests may be conducted to determine the underlying cause of infertility.

Currently, the most widely used technique used in IVF cycles is ICSI, in case of severe male infertility, or when the sperm count, motility, or morphology is affected.

Both IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection) and ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) are techniques used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) to treat male infertility. The main difference between IMSI and ICSI is the level of magnification used to select the sperm for injection.

ICSI involves selecting a single sperm cell and injecting it directly into an egg using a micropipette. This technique is commonly used when there are male infertility factors such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or abnormal sperm shape.

IMSI takes ICSI a step further by using a high-powered microscope to magnify the sperm cells at a much higher level. This allows embryologists to select the healthiest sperm based on their morphology (shape and structure) and identify any abnormalities that might not be visible with the standard magnification used in ICSI.

Poor-quality sperm often leads to implantation failure and miscarriages or genetic defects in offspring.

The major advantage of IMSI over ICSI is the magnification at which the sperm is observed. In the case of ICSI, the microscope used is 400X, whereas, in IMSI, the sperm image is magnified over 6000 times, which offers much better e sperm analysis externally and internally.

When is IMSI recommended?

The IMSI technique is particularly recommended when sperm morphology is a matter of concern or a condition of teratozoospermia.  IMSI is preferred  in the following cases too

Failure of fertilization with ICSI previously employed

Poor-quality embryos that stop growing

Implantation failure

Severe sperm DNA fragmentation

Long-term unexplained infertility

The benefits of IMSI in IVF are often seen as, 15 times more detailed visualization of sperm cells compared to conventional IVF/ICSI Cycles.

Furthermore, with IMSI, it is possible to select live sperm in real-time.  The IMSI can reduce or eliminate the use of dyes that could damage sperm cells.

In summary, while both IMSI and ICSI are used in ART to treat male infertility, IMSI uses a higher level of magnification to select the best sperm based on morphology. At the same time, ICSI involves the injection of a single sperm cell directly into an egg. That is why IMSI is called Super ICSI. Because it is a very laborious technique that highly trained professionals can only conduct. It often calls for two embryologists to work simultaneously to reduce the duration of the process and perform it more objectively with perfection.

We at, Yash IVF Deccan, have an IVF excellence wing with dedicated IVF fertility specialists around the clock, along with the heart of the Yash IVF embryology lab. A dedicated team of embryologists oversees the entire process. No wonder hitting the highest IVF success rate of around 70% is purely due to protocols in place dedicated team efforts and trust and transparency of YASH IVF.

we, at Yash IVF, have all these latest technologies in place and updated infrastructure with the vision set to offer parenthood for all.


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