Yash IVF
How does the actual surrogacy process begin?

How does the actual surrogacy process begin?
In our earlier blog we have seen how the process of identification and selection of various other possible partners in the process occurs. If the woman and her partner are capable of producing viable gametes, we can perform a self IVf and then transfer the embryo into the surrogate mother. Yash ivf is one of the best IVF centre in Pune.
In the event that neither partner is able to produce a viable gamete, then we need to source a donor for both the sperm as well as the egg.

If the woman and her partner are capable of producing viable gametes, we can perform a self IVf and then transfer the embryo into the surrogate mother.
We have seen in the earlier blog, how the donors and the surrogate are screened to maximise the chances of a successful first-time surrogacy itself. Yash IVF centre in Pune, offers comprehensive, all under one roof, Surrogacy services.

Now begins the stimulation of the donor or the intended mother for production of the sufficient number of eggs. The surrogate has already been thoroughly tested. She will undergo medication to match her cycle to that of the intended mother or egg donor and for development of a healthy endometrium.

The intended mother/egg donor are then triggered and the process of ovum pick up is carried out to harvest the eggs from the follicles, under ultrasound guidance. This is followed by fertilization being carried out in vitro, that is, in the lab, which is the IVF procedure. The eggs are fertilized and the embryos are grown in the lab environment for 5 days. The additional embryos are frozen for future cycles, if the first one fails. Costs for surrogacy in yash ivf centre in Pune vary based on the number of cycles opted for and whether you are using self gametes or an egg donor.
Then comes the day of embryo transfer, which is day 5, at Blastocyst stage. The embryo is transferred into the womb of the surrogate mother and then begins the countdown for the suspense to be broken – the beta hcg test for pregnancy. This is 2 weeks post transfer. A positive beta hcg test does not necessarily indicate a viable pregnancy. For that the intended parents have to wait another 4 weeks when the first sonography will reveal whether the embryo is a viable one with a beating heart. Time for a little elation, but the journey has just begun.
Now it is the responsibility of the center to carefully monitor the pregnant surrogate mother to ensure that the pregnancy is carried to term. She has already been carefully counselled about what to eat and not to eat, not to self medicate, not to consult any doctor without taking our permission. Yash ivf centre in pune will properly taking care of surrogacy patient.The surrogate mother is visually monitored by a caretaker who is well known to us and with whom we have a great deal of understanding and prior experience. All care is taken to safeguard the interests of the intended parents as well as the surrogate mother. When you take an appointment at ivf centre in pune to do ensure that you give an indication about your requirement for assured surrogacy, if you are serious about surrogacy.

All this care and the prior investigations generally ensure an uneventful pregnancy at full term.
Considering the stakes are very high, risk of any complication during delivery is minimized by performing a C section. The child is immediately handed over to the parents and no further contact is entertained between them and the surrogate. Well once you have figured that you would be best served going for Surrogacy, you can call us at ivf centre Pune.


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